Sunday, 3 February 2013

India - night 1

So non blog has inspired me to get back in the blogging saddle. Sorry eichler, youve been holding the fort for far too long.

Me, the hippy and still got it, never lost it wanless, hit cafe del mar, which was not iN the costa del sol as it sounds but in varkalaaaaa, keralaaaaa, indiaaaaaaa ( later to be the only lyrics of the fat hippies bongo chants)

The food was off da hook deeeeeelish, we had king prawn tandoori, fish korma and fish jalfrezi with raitha (my new fave yoghurt dish) accompanied by garlic naan and rice,

oh and a smaaaall side of chips.. Whatevs, don't judge.

Even my fragile stomach had no problems, gutted, looks like ill have to do project rexi the proper way. Grrrrrrr. #tapwateranyone?

With full bellies we hit the rock and roll bar, with the customary bottle of spike, I mean water. After a couple of Vod oranges, everyone became good looking? Weird that. Who knew we had such a penchant for the locals?! Still getting those whassap's Hannah?

They even let us put our own iPods on, which was fine until Dolly Parton 'jolene' came
On and the dance floor cleared. #embarr #mumsongs.

And then we safetly (don't read mum) got a lift home with Craig David and a hottie from mile
End #whatarethechances?#homefromhome

While we listened to gangster rap and swigged whiskey out the bottle. #holdmeback #toozeeexxxytoohandle

Still managed to get up in time for a run along the beach and yoga. Ahhhhhh this is the life.
Til next time Nellist.

Ps, how many Xmas decorations are too many??

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Shirley valentines last Indian supper

Greetings from Kerela, yep non-blog has come out of the hippy woodwork for a one off India special.

After a week in paradise with batweasel and 'Got her mojo back' Nellist I ended my hols (yep this was a proper holiday, not one paid for by IPC) with this veg thali, costing a whopping £1.30- Gotta watch the rupee's now we're jobless eh.

The scene is set, we're eating off banana leaves in a little hut, all very Spititual apart from we're listening to Snoop Dog and i'm dancing like the mother f-ing D.O double Geeee #embarrasingmumstyle #whocareswe'redangeranimals

But this taste sensation was the perfect meal to end to my indian style day, spent barefoot (havianna breakage), fashioning myself a homemade turban to avoid sunstroke, whilst riding on the back of 20 year olds motorbike #propershirleyvalentinemoment.

And after 5 weeks in India, with a suitcase full of spices (and xmas decorations random I know but you'll be jels next December) I can safely say I still NOT bored of curry. It is by far the greatest food on earth.

Until next time
Peace, love, bongo's and happiness
Non blog x