Tuesday 11 October 2011

A Celeb Packed Tuesday Brekkie

The lovely Rachel from DP's took us for a swanky breakfast at the Dean Street Hotel. Little did we know what A-Listers would be walking through the door....

We started off with a yummy boiled egg and soldiers.

Smoked salmon spinach and eggs (spinach good, eggs slightly on the cold side)

Poached eggs and not so crispy bacon ( take note Dean Street)

And then low and behold we realised a celeb was in our midst.
Well, we needed evidence of this sighting so took it upon ourselves to pap the celeb in question.
We decided to get a covert snap of 'The Bacon'....

After this fruitless attempt we decided honesty was the best policy. We managed to bully Rachel into asking for a pic for for the blog. However we didn't anticipate the cringeworthy conversation that followed.

Rachel: (in a geordie accent)
Scuse me richarrrrd, me mates av got a food blog and a thought it would be funny like if we got a snap of you and said that for breakfast we ad eggs, sausage and 'richaaarrrrd baycaan',

Richard: Erm ..... Let me get this straight, your friends have a food blog and you need a picture of me..????

Rachel: Way-ay man

Just when we thought it couldn't get any better we spotted the guy from The Social Network at the bar. (That's Andrew Garfield for any film boffs out there)

So Dean St Townhouse... the breakfast was really really nice but if we were going to be picky the eggs were slightly cold. Just as well then that a celeb was nearby to save your breakfast Bacon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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