Thursday 16 April 2015

A Simple Clam Supper

After spending half my childhood growing up in Spain. Erm I've been to Marbella about 10 times. I've become a massive fan of the simple clam or almejas as it's known in espanol. Sorry, sorry sometimes I just slip back in, humph the downsides of being a multilinguist. 

It was a meal for one in mi casa, oh god there I go again. #embarrassing #toointelligent. I intended to make spaghetti vongole which may well be on my death row meal list but I got carried away watching hollyoaks, yes I am 32 and yes I did cry when Carmel McQueen died. God rest her soul. So my addiction to high brow entertainment meant time passed by and quite frankly I couldn't be bothered to make the pasta. So I went for my own, non recipe but simply delicious, tomato clam thing.

Clams can be bought from fishmongers or good supermarkets- I went to waitrose in John Lewis on Oxford Street where I'm a little bit in love with the guy behind the counter, he's from Uganda and his favourite type of fish is seabbass, he also loves scallops. I tend to question the poor guy like he's in police custody, I also can't stop winking at him like I've developed some funny type of twitch. Anyway I digress. 

I chopped up garlic, chilli, and cooked in a small frying pan with tinned and fresh tomatoes. Added a bit of tomato purée and white wine, as it began to boil I added the clams, would have added parsley but it was out of date and I didn't think basil would have the same affect. 
Put the lid on and boiled until the clams opened.

Y ahi tienes almejas con tomate, have with a glass of wine if you're drinking this week, I'm not so this one was just for display purposes. Yea good one. #liar #lovebooze

Bloody Delish! So much so people traveled for miles for a mere morsal. I lie, he was passing but whatevs.

Hasta Luego Amigos

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