Friday 17 April 2015

Bread and Honey... And a tiny bit of chicken

After having booked a shoot location only to realise the night before that it was N10 which is zone 4 (I REPEAT. ZONE 4) a substantial lunch was in order after making the crew travel to the depths of the earth. I mean who, aside from Petro Stofberg in that bizarre Muswell Hill phase would live in such a zone?! I'm surprised we even got phone signal.

That epic journey, plus having to shoot in this dreary location all morning meant that everyone was gagging for our catered lunch to arrive.

Shoot caterers Bread and Honey delivered a quinoa salad (because this is London, obviously) vegetable tagine and some kind of very tasty yet unidentifiable chicken. With a rocket salad on in the side, natch. 

Now, to get this bad boy in budget I had to order for 5 people despite their being 7 of us, but that's fine cos EVERYONE knows you ALWAYS have shed loads of leftovers on catered lunches. Why else would I travel everywhere with an empty Tupperware in my bag?

Slightly embarrassing when 5 pieces of chicken turned up and we had to do sharesies but hey ho. 

We were all slightly perplexed by a dressing that arrived with it that tasted of sticky toffee pudding, and where that fit into all of this but who am I to argue with the chefs and if it's free it's getting chucked on there mate. 

All in all this alfresco dine was very enjoyable for a shoot lunch, despite the lack of leftovers. Damn it I'll have to buy my own tea now. 

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